Bechamel 500 Ml
Bechamel 500 Ml. Sometimes you are just too busy to make a béchamel well now you don't have to. This delicious, creamy, bechamel sauce is soft and smooth; suitable for browning in the oven or for seasoning vegetables.
If you prefer a more liquid bechamel, decrease the dose of butter and flour; for a thicker béchamel instead, increase the dose of butter and flour. Ideal with cannelloni, lasagne and crepes. Sprinkle the flour on the butter and onion and stir with a whisk.
Parmalat's CHEF Béchamel: the queen of ready-to-use sauces.
Sterilgarda béchamel is a delicately flavored sauce and it is perfect to prepare dishes such as lasagne and cheese sauces.
Ingredients: Whole milk,cream, flour, modified tapioca starch, salt. Creamy and thick, perfect for making pasta dishes as well as the classic cauliflower cheese. Ideal with cannelloni, lasagne and crepes.
Rating: 100% based on 788 ratings. 5 user reviews.
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